TRANSORIENT LTD holds a prominent position in the market of international transport and logistics and targets the continuous improvement of its services by means of innovation, quality and flexibility.
TRANSORIENT’s quality policy is accomplished by organization and vertical integration of its structures and targets Customers Satisfaction Assurance through continuous provision of qualitative transport services, support and integrated logistics solutions that totally meet customers’ requirements.
Flexibility, speed of action, continuous quality improvement, customization of services according to clients’ needs, reliability, continuous support and ease of transactions compose the fundamental principles on which we commit to constantly improve our services. In order to achieve this, TRANSORIENT is investing in advanced logistics equipment and in a fully trained staff, establishing at the same time long-term relationships with high standard suppliers, while implementing the ISO 9001:2015 Quality System standards, fully harmonized with the company’s mission statement and quality objectives.
All of us, TRANSORIENT’s employees and management team, recognize the necessity of continuous improvement and express our commitment to the following quality objectives:
We believe that all the above make a positive contribution to the image of our company in our respective market, while at the same time enhance satisfaction and loyalty for all of us who work for TRANSORIENT’s development and prosperity.
The Administrator
Evangelos Sarris
34th Syntagmatos Pezikou No 5, Piraeus GR 18532,
Thesi Benardi, Panagias Soumelas, near Agiou Georgiou, Aspropirgos GR 19300, Greece